الأربعاء، 17 يونيو 2015


A product that is only legal for those that are 21 years of age, alcohol is a depressant that comes from organic sources including grapes, grains and berries. These products are fermented and distilled into a liquid. 
Alcohol affects every part of the body. It is carried through the bloodstream to the brain, stomach, internal organs, liver, kidneys, muscles everywhere. It is absorbed very quickly (as short as 5 - 10 minutes) and can stay in the body for several hours.1 
Alcohol affects the central nervous system and brain. It can make users loosen up, relax, and feel more comfortable, or can make them more aggressive.
Unfortunately, it also lowers their inhibitions, which can set them up for embarrassing or dangerous behavior. In fact, each year approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking. This statistic includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle accidents; 1,600 homicides; 300 suicides; and hundreds of others stemming from injuries such as falls, burns and drownings.2 
A standard drink is:
One 12-ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler;
One 5-ounce glass of wine; or
1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.3 
Health Hazards 
Its no secret that society gives children mixed messages about alcohol. As a parent, you should know that underage drinking can have serious consequences. The teenage brain is still developing. Did you know that alcohol can impair the parts of the brain that control the following:
Motor coordination. This includes the ability to walk, drive and process information.4 
Impulse control. Drinking lowers inhibitions and increases the chances that a person will do something that they will regret when they are sober.5 
Memory. Impaired recollection and even blackouts can occur when too much alcohol has been consumed.6 
Judgment and decision making capacity. Drinking may lead young people to engage in risky behaviors that can result in illness, injury and even death.7 
Risky Behavior 
Many kids start drinking in middle school. In fact, one out of every two 8th graders has tried alcohol.8 Additionally, more kids use alcohol than use tobacco or illicit drugs and more children are killed by alcohol than all illegal drugs combined.9
But the risky behavior does not end there.
Dependence. People who reported starting to drink before the age of 15 were four times more likely to also report meeting the criteria for alcohol dependence at some point in their lives. In fact, new research shows that the serious drinking problems (including what is called alcoholism) typically associated with middle age actually begin to appear much earlier, during young adulthood and even adolescence.10 
Illicit drug use. More than 67 percent of young people who start drinking before the age of 15 will try an illicit drug. Children who drink are over 7 times more likely to use any illicit drug, are over 22 times more likely to use marijuana, and 50 times more likely to use cocaine than children who never drink.11 
Sexual activity. Alcohol use by teens is a strong predictor of both sexual activity and unprotected sex. A survey of high school students found that 18 percent of females and 39 percent of males say it is acceptable for a boy to force sex if the girl is high or drunk.12 
Violence. Children who start drinking before age 15 are 12 times more likely to be injured while under the influence of alcohol and 10 times more likely to be in a fight after drinking, compared with those who wait until they are 21 to drink.13 
School. Student substance use precedes, and is a risk factor for, academic problems, such as lower grades, absenteeism and high dropout rates. Alcohol can interfere with a students ability to think, making learning and concentration more difficult and ultimately impeding academic performance. In fact, the more a student uses alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, the lower his grade point average is likely to be and the more likely he is to drop out of school.14 
Driving. When young people drink and get into a car, they tend to make poor decisions that impact their safety. Traffic crashes are the number one killer of teens and over one-third of teen traffic deaths are alcohol-related.15 
Protecting Children 
Parents can take the following steps to encourage their children to abstain from alcohol:
Spend time together regularly. 
Listen and talk with your children. Try to understand the pressures placed on them and don\'t criticize their beliefs. 
Keep track of where your children are, what they are doing, and who their friends are. 
Get them involved in after-school activities so they wont be able to just \"hang out\" with friends in the afternoon. This is when children are most likely to experiment. 
Praise or reward children often. If they feel good about themselves, they will be more confident and better able to resist peer pressure. 
Be a positive role model for your children. Don\'t abuse alcohol or drugs.


A product that is only legal for those that are 21 years of age, alcohol is a depressant that comes from organic sources including grapes, grains and berries. These products are fermented and distilled into a liquid. 
Alcohol affects every part of the body. It is carried through the bloodstream to the brain, stomach, internal organs, liver, kidneys, muscles everywhere. It is absorbed very quickly (as short as 5 - 10 minutes) and can stay in the body for several hours.1 
Alcohol affects the central nervous system and brain. It can make users loosen up, relax, and feel more comfortable, or can make them more aggressive.
Unfortunately, it also lowers their inhibitions, which can set them up for embarrassing or dangerous behavior. In fact, each year approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking. This statistic includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle accidents; 1,600 homicides; 300 suicides; and hundreds of others stemming from injuries such as falls, burns and drownings.2 
A standard drink is:
One 12-ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler;
One 5-ounce glass of wine; or
1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.3 
Health Hazards 
Its no secret that society gives children mixed messages about alcohol. As a parent, you should know that underage drinking can have serious consequences. The teenage brain is still developing. Did you know that alcohol can impair the parts of the brain that control the following:
Motor coordination. This includes the ability to walk, drive and process information.4 
Impulse control. Drinking lowers inhibitions and increases the chances that a person will do something that they will regret when they are sober.5 
Memory. Impaired recollection and even blackouts can occur when too much alcohol has been consumed.6 
Judgment and decision making capacity. Drinking may lead young people to engage in risky behaviors that can result in illness, injury and even death.7 
Risky Behavior 
Many kids start drinking in middle school. In fact, one out of every two 8th graders has tried alcohol.8 Additionally, more kids use alcohol than use tobacco or illicit drugs and more children are killed by alcohol than all illegal drugs combined.9
But the risky behavior does not end there.
Dependence. People who reported starting to drink before the age of 15 were four times more likely to also report meeting the criteria for alcohol dependence at some point in their lives. In fact, new research shows that the serious drinking problems (including what is called alcoholism) typically associated with middle age actually begin to appear much earlier, during young adulthood and even adolescence.10 
Illicit drug use. More than 67 percent of young people who start drinking before the age of 15 will try an illicit drug. Children who drink are over 7 times more likely to use any illicit drug, are over 22 times more likely to use marijuana, and 50 times more likely to use cocaine than children who never drink.11 
Sexual activity. Alcohol use by teens is a strong predictor of both sexual activity and unprotected sex. A survey of high school students found that 18 percent of females and 39 percent of males say it is acceptable for a boy to force sex if the girl is high or drunk.12 
Violence. Children who start drinking before age 15 are 12 times more likely to be injured while under the influence of alcohol and 10 times more likely to be in a fight after drinking, compared with those who wait until they are 21 to drink.13 
School. Student substance use precedes, and is a risk factor for, academic problems, such as lower grades, absenteeism and high dropout rates. Alcohol can interfere with a students ability to think, making learning and concentration more difficult and ultimately impeding academic performance. In fact, the more a student uses alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, the lower his grade point average is likely to be and the more likely he is to drop out of school.14 
Driving. When young people drink and get into a car, they tend to make poor decisions that impact their safety. Traffic crashes are the number one killer of teens and over one-third of teen traffic deaths are alcohol-related.15 
Protecting Children 
Parents can take the following steps to encourage their children to abstain from alcohol:
Spend time together regularly. 
Listen and talk with your children. Try to understand the pressures placed on them and don\'t criticize their beliefs. 
Keep track of where your children are, what they are doing, and who their friends are. 
Get them involved in after-school activities so they wont be able to just \"hang out\" with friends in the afternoon. This is when children are most likely to experiment. 
Praise or reward children often. If they feel good about themselves, they will be more confident and better able to resist peer pressure. 
Be a positive role model for your children. Don\'t abuse alcohol or drugs.

The Effects of Cocaine

The effects of cocaineon the body are multiple. Three areas that are acutely affected are the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal system, and the cardiovascular system. 

The effects of cocaine on the central nervous system are perhaps the most severe and the most damaging. Cocaine inhibits the release of dopamine and other neurochemicals in the brain. This is what causes the euphoric high that users often feel. However, one of the long-term effects of cocaine is that the brain slows down and eventually stops producing these neurons because it is getting them artificially. This can lead to mood and behavior alterations that include paranoia, irritability, restlessness, and auditory hallucinations. 

Effects of Cocaine

A decreased appetite, which can lead to malnutrition, is one of the other effects of cocaine on the central nervous system.

The effects of cocaine on the gastrointestinal system, while not as common, may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. 

The cardiovascular system is another area that suffers from the effects of cocaine. Cocaine causes blood vessels to constrict. This leads to dilated pupils, increased body temperature and heart rate, and blood pressure since there is an increased demand for oxygen by the heart. The most commonly reported cardiovascular problems related to the effects of cocaine are Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, and various arrhythmias. Strokes, seizures, and convulsions are also some of the cardiovascular effects of cocaine. 

Finally, the effects of cocaine are serious and by causing significant damage to the central nervous, the gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular systems, can even be fatal.

How to give up smoking

Some smokers accost by saying \"Do not tell me why I should stop smoking, but tell me how to stop. It is worth mentioning that 5 - 16 % of smokers are able to stop for six months at least with out aid means or medical treatments. But, the studies pointed out that the smokers who use medical treatments are able to stop for more than six months from those who do not use them.

Besides, the supportive behavioral programs increase the proportion of the success average of giving up smoking program. It can be said that it is not only one correct way to follow in order to stop smoking, but there are some keys for the success of giving up smoking program. There are 4 major factors: 

- Making the decision to give up smoking.

- Choosing a specific appointment and a giving up plan.

- Dealing with the withdrawal symptoms.

-The constancy of giving up smoking.

Making the decision:

This decision must come from the person himself, that there could be some around this person who want him to stop smoking. But the true decision comes from inside this person. There are some points that the more belief in them increases the success proportion of making the decision such as: the convention that there is proportion of being infected with smoking complications, that this person will make a serious and honest attempt to stop, and finally the convention that the benefits he could make out of giving up are more than those of smoking \"if they are found\".

Choosing a specific appointment and a giving up plan:

Whenever the decision is made, this person becomes able to specify an appointment, which is considered a very important step. Usually, the appointment is made through the next days that this person can be given a chance to think deeply, to have an interlocution with him, and to discover all about smoking inside him: why does he smoke? Why should he stop? What makes him smoke? And other questions. The smoker can use pen and paper to record his thoughts that he can use them later.

There are many ways to give up smoking, one of them is by reducing the cigarettes he smokes gradually, usually this way is not recommended because practically it looks hard to implement. Another way is to completely give up smoking not gradually. There are some steps that help in the preparation for this stage and in its success:

- Telling family and friends about the giving up decision and the specific day (announcement for him).

- Specifying the plan which will be followed..... Is he going to use

Nicotine alternatives? Is he going to join special programs for giving up?

- Starting to make himself get used to the expression \"no ... thank you .... I do not smoke\"

- Trying to find himself a supportive system (friend, family member, it is better if this person gave up smoking before)

- It is preferred that the appointment synchronizes with appropriate circumstances not with incidental life troubles (family, work problems, tests .....etc) that the timing dose not fail and in order not to lose the bet with himself and get frustrated.

Totally, it can be said that the success to give up is a commitment and a plan issue not a coincidence.

In the day specified for the giving up, this person should:

- Never smoke

- Get ride of everything related to smoking (cigarettes, lighter, ashtray, and others).

- Try to remain active by practicing sport or loved hobbies.

- Drink a lot of liquids.

- Avoid places or gatherings that could increase his desire to smoke.

Dealing with the withdrawal symptoms:

After giving up smoking, some people suffer from some symptoms that could be physical such as (headache and feeling tired) or psychological such as (worry and additional nervousness). Usually those are simple symptoms that do not threaten life and could be passed by using suitable treatments or by practicing relaxation exercises. Some consider it hard to lose the connection between smoking and doing a specific behavior (smoking while watching television or smoking while drinking coffee....etc ).So, this person should think quietly about how to lose these wrong justifications connected to this behavior, specially as they do not depend on a correct base.

Besides, there are another wrong justifications that smoker use to continue smoking \"I will have this cigarette until this crisis pass\" \"today is not the right day, I will start tomorrow\". This happens with no clear reason or a justification to delay. He also says \"I do not have failings except for smoking\" or \"how could smoking be harmful while my grandfather smoked for his whole life and had nothing\" and other justifications that could bring him back to smoking again. Smoker can write these justifications to discuss it quietly and neutrally.

Avoiding people whom he used to smoke with or places where he used to smoke in and changing some of his habits such as changing his way to work or having juice instead of coffee, helps in getting over the first stage successfully. Besides, he can use other alternatives such as a gum free of sugar, nuts, or siwak. This person who gave up smoking must restrict commit to the promise he made with him self after a deep thinking, 

The constancy of giving up smoking: 

It is the most important step that the person seeks. A lot of people say \"we gave it up for many times then smoked again \". We should pay attention that one cigarette means that you smoke again. Here, we should mention that the desire to smoke after giving it up is not usually continuous, but comes and goes quickly and keeping yourself busy helps in getting these moments over.

Gaining weight after giving up smoking:

The expected gained weight makes some think of not giving up smoking, although their weight increases slightly and its dangerous can not be compared to smoking dangerous. Besides, such increase can be overcomes by following instructions such as eating as lot of fruits and vegetables, reducing fats, and exercising regularly specially walking which reduces tension and keeps them physically active.

What are the benefits someone makes out of giving up smoking? 

Luckily, the physical changes occurred because of smoking begin to retrograde during the first minutes. For example, after twenty minutes, blood pressure and heartbeat come back to their normal average. During the next hours, carbon dioxide decreases and oxygen increases. Later, smell and taste senses improve. The positive changes continue for days and weeks. As a result, the infection average of cancer, stroke, and heart failure decrease. Celerity and skin appearance improve. These are some of the most important reasons that one should seek to improve his life and enjoy it clear from diseases. Thus, we notice that there are many benefits one can make just by giving up smoking.

The available treatments:

The treatments used for helping those who want to give up smoking vary .For example: nicotine alternatives, medicinal and psychological treatment. Nicotine alternatives are used for saving a particular proportion of nicotine during the day. They are better than cigarettes that they only contain of nicotine and are free from the other harmful substances. These alternatives have many forms. Stickers which last for 16 - 24 hours and then replaced by another one, usually the treatment using stickers last for two months. The nicotine gum which is considered one of the quickest alternatives for its effect. It is used according to this person need and the treatment last for 1 - 3 months. Also, there is the nicotine spray .They began to use it on 1998 by using a particular quantity and the treatment last for 6 months. In addition to other alternatives nicotine sweet and the nasal spray.

But for the medicinal treatments, there is the Bupropion Zypan, a medicine used for treating depression, which was discovered to help in giving up smoking. It reduces both the withdrawal symptoms and the desire for nicotine. This medicine is given by a medical prescr iption after the doctor evaluates the case. The treatment last for 12 weeks.

One of the medicines that are used recently is the Chantix which reduces the withdrawal symptoms, this medicine led to a lot of positive results.

The Chinese needles and the silver abutting treatments are also used. Their benefits lie in reducing the withdrawal symptoms and the desire for nicotine by instigating the brain to excrete particular substances.

Usually, it is recommended to participate in more than one treatment method to get the best results.

Dr.Moubarak Ghare

Polar Bear endangered

In Spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. According to the Endangered Species Act, an endangered species is an animal that is likely to face extinction in its natural habitat. Polar bears have been categorized as a “threatened” species. The ESA defines a threatened species as one that is likely to become “endangered” in the foreseeable future.

The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily to global warming. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Heating homes, driving cars, and burning garbage all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming.

he polar bear’s habitat is more vulnerable to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live mainly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming is causing the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that 25% of the Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the past 30 years.

It is important that animals such as the polar bear make it onto the endangered species list. Once they are on the list there are laws that protect these animals from being hunted for food or sport. Agencies also receive money and tools to protect the habitat and recover the species. The goal of removing the animal from the list is often achievable. Since the Endangered Species Act was introduced in the US in 1973, many species have been taken off the list due to increased populations. In fact, it is rare for a species to go extinct after they make the list. Sadly many species do go extinct while waiting for consideration.




The Green movement is catching on in many pockets of the world. This is especially true in the construction industry. Today’s buzz words, which include global warming and zero emissions, are causing everyday people (not just celebrities) to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Purchasing property that is environmentally responsible is a good investment for those who are concerned about their own health and the well-being of the earth. Based on this trend, entire districts, known as Eco-communities, are being designed with green initiatives in mind. Dockside Green in Victoria, BC is one of these communities. Its goal is to become the world’s first zero emissions neighbourhood.

If everything goes according to plan, Dockside Green will be a self sufficient community along the harbour front of British Columbia’s capital city. The community will be home to 2500 people and will consist of residential, office, and retail space. The plans describe a variety of environmental features, some of which are unprecedented.

Builders of Dockside Green have the environment in mind with every choice they make. They ensure proper ventilation, and guarantee residents 100% fresh indoor air. Interior and exterior building materials, such as paints and wood, are natural and non-toxic. Eco-conscious builders use bamboo wherever possible because it is durable and does not require pesticides to grow.

Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities in eco-communities, such as Dockside Green. Not only do energy efficient appliances and light fixtures reduce the environmental impact of heating and hot water, they also save residents and business owners money. Dockside Green claims that home owners will use 55% less energy than average residents in Canada. Though they are sharing space by investing in condo-style living, residents will have individual utility metres. Studies show that people use approximately 20% less energy when they are billed for exactly what they use. In addition, water is treated at Dockside Green and reused on site for flushing toilets.

Planners of eco-communities such as Dockside Green must take the future into account. Dockside Green plans on reusing 90% of its construction waste. They also plan to continue using local suppliers for all of their transport and maintenance needs. This is a great way to reduce emissions. Dockside residents will be encouraged to make use of a mini transit system and buy into the community’s car share program. Finally, plans are in the works for a high-tech heating system that will use renewable biomass instead of fossil fuels.

The first residents of Dockside Green have already moved in. Other eco-communities are also in the works. By the year 2050, Dongtan, located near Shanghai, will be an eco-community for approximately half a million people. This community is being built around an important wetland area that is currently threatened by urban pollution. Abu Dhabi is also gearing up for the future. The Masdar Institute was established in Abu Dhabi to encourage the nation’s most intelligent students to become involved in environmental research. The Masdar goal is to create the first ecocity, which hopes to operate as a zero-waste, zero-carbon, car-free city.


What is a friend? A single soul, dwelling in two bodies” – Aristotle

True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.

Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words, before keeping it forth before your friend. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. It is when you can sleep fighting and get another morning with a better understanding. Friendship is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments, it is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is eternal.

Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he / she won’t hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. This is one relation that has been nurtured since time immemorial. There are famous stories about friends in mythologies of different religions all over the world. They say a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.

Psychologically speaking, friendship may be defined as ‘a dynamic, mutual relationship between two individuals. As children become friends, they negotiate boundaries within which both partners function’. This helps them to function like healthy individuals in life as they learn to draw a line as and when needed in a relation. This greatly helps in the emotional development of an individual. However, any relation needs constant nurturing and development from all the people that are involved in one. Friendship cannot survive if one person makes all the effort to sustain it without any mutual recognition from others.

Since friendship starts the moment a child starts socializing, the kind of friends that the child chooses should be taken care of till the time he / she learns to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong peers or lack of socializing can lead to severe psychological traumas and disorders, finally leading to social maladjustment. The correct peer group is essential for the development of the personality of a child. Both positive and negative experiences refine the personality of the individual. Thus it is essential that you find friends who are compatible with you on an emotional and psychological basis.

A Trip I Have Made .

In 2013 i went to Syria . I stayed with my relatives for a three months . I visited Damascus  , Aleppo and Lattkia . In Aleppo i stayed for one week . I visited historical buildings such as : churches , mosques , museums and markets . I visited the citadel of Aleppo it was beautiful and very big . In Lattkia i stayed for three days .I visited the Arwad Island . In Damascus i stayed for eighty days . I went to markets , restaurants , cinemas and Mount Qassioun . I met a lot of famous people in Syria . I had a good time in Syria . It was a beautiful trip . I wish to visit Syria soon .